The Remote Tasks option enables you to perform management tasks from the RM Management Console that would otherwise have to be performed at individual computers. This includes tasks such as starting, restarting, and shutting down computers.
For each remote task, you can specify a number of options. The options include displaying a warning message and countdown on the target computer before the task starts, and whether or not the task should run on locked computers or computers disconnected from the network.
You can also schedule remote tasks to occur at a particular time, and on a regular basis. For example, you might want to shut down all computers at 6.00 every evening.
You can manage your remote tasks using the Tasks option in the RM Management Console. The Tasks option enables you to cancel tasks, re-run tasks and view task progress. For more information, refer to Tasks Help.
For further information on the Remote Tasks option and all other aspects of Community Connect 4, you can search the RM Knowledge Library.